Monday, October 25, 2010

My stress as a first time father.

I know that everyone has there own stress. Now I have my stress of being a first time father. I currently have a 7 month old son. He is not much a crier, but he is very naughty and demands only people that he knows and recognizes to hold him or be around him. He only cries when he's hungry or when he has a wet diaper. He's starting to get smart and demand many things from us. He's starting to reach for many things and sometimes he reaches things that he shouldn't be reaching. He grabbed an incense stick while it was still burning and it burned his upper arm. I took some time to heal but now it's better. Being a first time father has been so much stress for me. Taking care of the baby, finding a job, full time college student, and hunting. Sometimes I wish I hadn't gotten married so that I could still do things that I wanted to do without anyone pestering me all the time to come home. But I guess I have to live with my choices that I make. Lets just see how the future goes for me after school if done and over with.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know much about having my own children or being married but my I have seen my brother go through alot! He married his highschool sweetheart right out of highschool he is now 30 and has 4 children, a 8,6,4, and 5 mo. He's the main care provider and he struggles through it. One thing he has always told me though is that even when time gets hard when he sees his 8 year old score his first touch down in youth football or sees his 6 year old get an A+ on his science project and has him bring it home to show him with a huge grin on his face, when he sees his little girl (4 year old) ride her first pony at her birthday party and can tell how happy she is, or when he held keagon (5 mo.) for the first time when he was born along with all of his other children he knows how blessed he was and that he just needs to appreciate every day he has been given with his family. Sure him and his wife may not always get along and things are hard and maybe he thinks "what if I hadn't chosen this path?" but he appreciates her and realizes how much work she has to do to be the mother of his children. So even though life might be easier if you hadn't gotten married or if you didnt have your child but just think of all the amazing things you'll be able to do later on with him! You'll get to teach him how to read, throw a ball, and even share your love of hunting with him. Like I said I don't have first hand experience on this topic but I believe my brother was right and that even though life is hard he was very blessed to have his family. I hope things get easier for you in the long run, but try to enjoy what you have! :)
