Monday, October 4, 2010

My bad house tenant.

Has anyone ever had someone live with them that was a such a pain in the butt? Well for me, I have the worse luck ever. This so called special someone lives in my house, doesn't help pay bills, eats my food then tries to cover up his evidence, uses things that are expensive without permission, breaks things, and then snitches on me when the house gets dirty. The bad things is it's one of my relatives that lives with me. I wish he had never moved in with us. Every night when he gets home, he thumps up the stairs, slams the doors, slams the fridge and microwave doors, and he goes to sleep and then wakes up at 3 or 4 in the morning to exercise. Who on earth wakes up at that time to exercise? He then makes a bunch of noise and wakes up my little boy. A few days ago, we had a family get together and his parents come and he snitches on my wife and I. His parents were so disgusted by us that they didn't even talk to us. I hate that they don't even live with us and they don't know how their son acts in our house. I just so want to tell them off. I want them to know that since their son has lived with us, we have seen so many rude manners that he does. I hate the way he acts so much, but the only reason why he is still even living with us is because his parents are so called regarded as "higher hierarchy." I'm so mad we have to let this rude egotistic guy live with us.

1 comment:

  1. I live with two girls and some of the little things bother me, I can't imagnie living with someone that careless..eeek!
