Monday, October 25, 2010

My stress as a first time father.

I know that everyone has there own stress. Now I have my stress of being a first time father. I currently have a 7 month old son. He is not much a crier, but he is very naughty and demands only people that he knows and recognizes to hold him or be around him. He only cries when he's hungry or when he has a wet diaper. He's starting to get smart and demand many things from us. He's starting to reach for many things and sometimes he reaches things that he shouldn't be reaching. He grabbed an incense stick while it was still burning and it burned his upper arm. I took some time to heal but now it's better. Being a first time father has been so much stress for me. Taking care of the baby, finding a job, full time college student, and hunting. Sometimes I wish I hadn't gotten married so that I could still do things that I wanted to do without anyone pestering me all the time to come home. But I guess I have to live with my choices that I make. Lets just see how the future goes for me after school if done and over with.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why do smart people do stupid things?

Don't you ever wonder why the smarter people seem to do the dumbest things. Take for example crazy people when they are driving. You tend to see more "smart" looking people as the most aggressive drivers. I have seen many of them drive recklessly. They seem to swerve in and out of traffic without signaling. Some of those people follow people so close that their headlights disappear in your rear view mirror. When some people end up going to the same place as you are, they seem to want to speed and pass you. Once they do pass you, they end up slowing down so much that it makes anyone angry and want to pass them. Once you try and pass them, they speed up not let you pass.  Everyone hates these types of drivers. There are some people that drive on the same streets day after day and still don't know the speed limit. The thing that aggravates good drivers the most is people that don't step on the accelerator when the speed limit says 40 and those drivers go 30 or 35. It's the most annoying thing ever. When others would try and pass them they would speed up and then when you try to get back into the lane, they slow down. I know that there are some smart people out there that don't use any common sense or common courtesy. There should be a law that if you are a stupid driver, then you have to pass the driving test again. These just some of the things That are most common from what I've seen. What have you seen?

Monday, October 4, 2010

My bad house tenant.

Has anyone ever had someone live with them that was a such a pain in the butt? Well for me, I have the worse luck ever. This so called special someone lives in my house, doesn't help pay bills, eats my food then tries to cover up his evidence, uses things that are expensive without permission, breaks things, and then snitches on me when the house gets dirty. The bad things is it's one of my relatives that lives with me. I wish he had never moved in with us. Every night when he gets home, he thumps up the stairs, slams the doors, slams the fridge and microwave doors, and he goes to sleep and then wakes up at 3 or 4 in the morning to exercise. Who on earth wakes up at that time to exercise? He then makes a bunch of noise and wakes up my little boy. A few days ago, we had a family get together and his parents come and he snitches on my wife and I. His parents were so disgusted by us that they didn't even talk to us. I hate that they don't even live with us and they don't know how their son acts in our house. I just so want to tell them off. I want them to know that since their son has lived with us, we have seen so many rude manners that he does. I hate the way he acts so much, but the only reason why he is still even living with us is because his parents are so called regarded as "higher hierarchy." I'm so mad we have to let this rude egotistic guy live with us.