Monday, September 6, 2010

Living a hunters life

The glistening of the rising sun reflects off the dew covered grass. The birds start chirping off in the distance.  You hear rustling behind your ground blind just yards away.  Your heart starts to beat faster as you anticipate a monster Whitetail buck coming out from behind the brush. Seconds, maybe minutes pass by as you anxiously wait for the deer to appear.  Suddenly you see the head  of a buck pop out of the brush just forty yards away from your ground blind. You bring up your bow and prepare to shoot it.  The deer walks closer and closer towards your ground blind.  Next thing you know he's twenty yards away.  You draw back on your bow; aim at his chest and then release.  You hear the pop of the arrow as it enters the deer's body.  It runs off to the right and then your hear the deer crashing to the ground.  Your heart beats with excitement while you wait thirty minutes.  After the time is up you emerge from your blind and you follow the blood trail of the deer.  You follow it for about sixty yards and you see a tannish gray deer lying on the ground.
This is a typical day of success for a deer hunter during bow season.  All the waiting and preparing for the day just to get your first deer of the season. You get a freezer full of meat and a trophy for the wall.

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