Monday, September 13, 2010

The first day of class.

My first day of class was not the best day in my childhood life.  It was filled with cunfusion as I tried to understand what was going on.  Coing from a minority group and that doesn't have english as it's second laguage can be very tough.  This starts off when I was getting dropped of at school for my first day in kindergarden.  I didn't know what to make of it.  I had never been in a room of different people that I had never seen before.  I would then see somone that was Asian like me.  Luckily he was Hmong too ans we then started talking.  This other boy came to be one of my good friends till this day.  As we talked in class and got to know eachohter, the teacher started walking around the room asking all the kids to sit down and introduce themselves to the class.  Luckily for me the friend I had just made understood and spoke english better then I did so he told me to sit down next to him and he would help me out.  When the teacher would have us read a book or something, I didn't know what they were doing so I would just copy my friend.  The rest of the day I would follow him to lunch and to the bathroom also. It sounds kindof weird, but hey what can I say I had only lived in the states for only a year.  When it was time for us to go home, me and my friend would arrange to hang out sometime later.  Good thing he didn't live too far.  He only lived a few blocks away from me.  Well that pretty much tells the story of my first day of class.

1 comment:

  1. Thats cool man that would be really hard i cannot even imagine. Thats really cool that it worked out like that and yes i agree thats a God thing!
